Kakatiya University Warangal (KU) has invited applications for admission to the course through distance education BEd.
Details …….
1) BEd Program (Inservice)
Duration: 2 years.
Qualification: Any Degree. Primary schools accredited public or government / Secondary / Senior Secondary teachers
Must have two years experience.
2) BEd (Additional methodology)
Sections: mathematics, Physical Sciences, Social Studies, Biological Sciences, English, Telugu, Hindi, Urdu.
Duration: 2 years.
Qualifications: Two years experience as a teacher and BEd.
Selection: Entrance test.
To Apply: Send completed applications have been downloaded from the website.
Fees: The Director, SDLCE, Kakatiya University, Warangal in the name of the bank to pay Rs 500 DD.
Start applications: December 11
Last date for receipt January 5
Entrance Exam Date: February 24, 26
Address: The Director,
School of Distance Learning & Continuing Education,
Kakaktiya University,
Warangal- 506 009
Web Sites:www.kakatiya.ac.in for more info